Lexis Rex

Kata Bahasa Inggris Hari Ini




Bahasa Inggris > Bahasa Indonesia
     1. merica, lada
Bahasa Inggris > Bahasa Inggris
     1. n. A plant of the family Piperaceae.
     2. n. A spice prepared from the fermented, dried, unripe berries of this plant.
     3. n. (US) A bell pepper, a fruit of the capsicum plant: red, green, yellow or white, hollow and containing seeds, and in very spicy and mild varieties.
     4. n. (baseball) A game used by baseball players to warm up where fielders standing close to a batter rapidly return the batted ball to be hit again
           Some ballparks have signs saying "No pepper games".
     5. n. (cryptography) A randomly-generated value that is added to another value (such as a password) prior to hashing. Unlike a salt, a new one is generated for each value and it is held separately from the
     6. v. To add pepper to.
     7. v. To strike with something made up of small particles.
     8. v. To cover with lots of (something made up of small things).
           After the hailstorm, the beach was peppered with holes.
     9. v. To add (something) at frequent intervals.
           He liked to pepper his conversation with long words.
Bahasa Indonesia > Bahasa Inggris
     1. n. black pepper (Piper nigrum):
     2. n.          the plant.
     3. n.          the dried, unripe berries (peppercorns) of the plant which are commonly used as a spice and seasoning. They are either used whole, or in a ground or cr


Contoh Kalimat-kalimat

You like pepper on it, don't you?
Like grains of salt, or pepper.

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